Kate's Plate

Welcome to Our New Site!

Welcome to our new and improved website! Take a look around!

Here’s an overview of what’s new:

Improved Ordering

A clearer ‘submit order’ process – yah!

Ability to select Pickup or Delivery per order

Ability to submit and send an order to a recipient easily

No Minimum for Pickup Orders

$60 minimum for Delivery Orders

More Menu Choices

Now 10 choices per week!!

Variable pricing per meal. $9.99-16.99 per serving

Monthly menus instead of seasonal will offer more flexibility

More Meal Information

A list of ‘Box Items’ so you can easily see how the meal comes

Improved ingredient and allergen information

Nutrition information for each meal (some may not be available yet)

Improved Account Management

The ability to make your account active/inactive

Ability to use promo codes on ordering when available

Easier to enter/change payment information


What’s to come:

Not ready quite yet, but be on the lookout for the following updates in the near future 🙂

  • Gift Cards
  • Referral Program
  • Fundraiser Program
  • Employer Wellness Programs
  • Online Meal Reviewing


Order within the next
to get your meals by February 10