Kate’s Plate has been in business for 10 years! Now that is a milestone to celebrate! I admit, I am not the best person at celebrating things, even though I see the value. Considering so many small businesses do not make it past year 1, 2 or 5…making it to 10 is something to celebrate! Join me on a look back as I reflect on the past ten wild years.
I started formulating recipes and brainstorming systems out of my tiny garage and kitchen with a chubby infant in the bouncy seat or wrapped in one of those amazing baby wraps. Then, we started building out our physical location with that same baby in tow. He would play in a playpen while we ripped up carpet, tore-down walls, and put together equipment. My family was heavily involved with me, and we have been on this journey together. After that was inspections, insurance, licenses, payroll, and building out a website. Next up was building a team! Getting to be with so many who had a passion for health and cooking was a real joy and they have left an impact on me larger than they’ll ever know. We collectively figured it out as we went, a true labor of love for several of the first ‘survival years.’
As the years went on, there were big changes and a million micro changes. I always think, “If we can improve a tiny bit today and tomorrow, we will end up with something great.” And for the most part, we have done that!
Somewhere in the middle of this journey, I hit a personal rough patch. There is no version in which I reflect on this business and don’t account for it, it was that profound. KP was my shelter, my place to go and be with those who were uplifting, a kind place to listen and share, and a place where I felt my work was important and uniquely mine. It was work I was proud of and we offered a product I loved.
Kate’s Plate marches on today, serving customers in the Dayton and Cincinnati areas with high-quality meal kits focused on balanced, delightful, whole-foods. I personally use it 3-4, sometimes 5 days a week, so I can attest to its benefits! The same baby boy who was here at the beginning is about to turn 11, and he, along with three other beautiful kids eat Kate’s Plate meal kits during the week and are wonderful eaters – no doubt because of the variety our meal kits put in front of them. They even suggest things that Kate’s Plate could offer. And of course, they give feedback on what they don’t love, as any parent knows. 🙂
Creating a small business can offer some of the highest highs and the lowest lows. For me, it has allowed wonderful flexibility as I raise a young family, while challenging me in some very real ways, the ways that being the one in charge brings.
Thank you to every single person who has been a part of this. From cheering us on by sharing a post online, to purchasing a gift card for someone who is in a crisis, to our vendors and delivery folks, to our insanely loyal customers, to our team which includes my own mother…thank you, thank you, thank you!!
