No. 1328
Pork Chops & Grilled Peaches
Limited time only! Local bone-in pork chops seasoned with garam masala (sweet, not spicy) with a fresh salad of grilled peaches, baby spinach, ricotta, sunflower seeds, and a drizzle of cinnamon honey.
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What's in the box
Quantities vary depending on number of portions-
Bone-In Pork Chopsraw
Bone-In Pork Chops ingredients
Garam Masala Marinade
Garam Masala Marinade ingredients
extra virgin olive oil, garam masala, kosher salt, black pepper -
Fresh Peacheswhole
Fresh Peaches ingredients
Ricottacontains dairy
Ricotta ingredients
Sunflower Seedsportioned
Sunflower Seeds ingredients
Cinnamon Honey
Cinnamon Honey ingredients
local raw honey, cinnamon